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How to sign up for membership


To sign up for membership is very easy and takes just a few moments.

Please go here and click this link to proceed to the signup page.

You should now see this screen.

Before you begin, please click or download the Ethics and Values and read carefully.

Ethics and Values

Once you agree to the terms of the documents, then proceed to fill out all the fields.

Be sure to pick a password that is easier for you to remember but still strong enough to prevent fraudulent entry. Here is a password generator in case you would like one automatically generated for you

All fields with a red asterisk are required

Near the bottom, you will see the membership levels. Please select the membership level you desire. The amount shown is what will be billed after you enter the payment information on the next screen after this one.

Before proceeding, please click the checkbox for the Values and Ethics and then the Next Button

Next you will see the payment screen. Please fill out all the fields on it, then hit Subscribe And Pay. Once approved, you will receive login information and the Chamber Welcome Letter.

How to sign up for membership
Terms and conditions