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IR-2021-149: IRS Nationwide Tax Forum kicks off July 20 - virtual event

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Issue Number: IR-2021-149

Inside This Issue

IRS Nationwide Tax Forum kicks off July 20

July 13 is the last day to register to attend keynote address by IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig

IRS YouTube Videos:
2021 IRS Nationwide Tax Forum – English

WASHINGTON — This Tuesday, July 13, is the last day for tax professionals to register to attend the 2021 IRS Virtual Nationwide Tax Forum and have access to all 30 webinars, including IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig’s keynote address on the first day of the forum.

The 2021 Tax Forum is being held over a five-week period from July 20 through Aug. 19. Webinars will be live-streamed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. To guarantee access to a webinar, registration must be completed a minimum of seven days in advance. Participants who register after July 13 will not have access to the full lineup of webinars.

Webinars are scheduled for 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. EDT each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Participants are encouraged to view the Forum schedule and course descriptions to plan their experience.

For more information and to register, visit www.irstaxforum.com.

Tax Forum Virtual Expo

Included with the registration, attendees may also visit the Forum’s Virtual Expo with dozens of exhibitors representing tax and business services, IRS national association partners and several key IRS offices and initiatives in the “IRS Zone.” Hours for the live Expo are Noon - 2 p.m. and 3- 5 p.m. EDT every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. However, registrants will have access to the Expo 24 hours per day from July 20 through Aug. 20.

Focus groups

As a special feature of the 2021 Forum, the IRS invites attendees to participate in one or more virtual focus groups. Focus groups are arranged around the following topics:

• Improving the Taxpayer Experience
• Designing a Business Taxpayers Online Account & Envisioning a Form 1099 Filing Platform
• Changes in Partnership Environment & Where’s Form 944?
• Improving the Offer in Compromise (OIC) Experience & Gig Economy Worker Tax Compliance
• Passport Program & Virtual Currency Tax Compliance
• Interest Abatement Feedback & Civil Penalties and Reasonable Cause Relief
• Due Diligence Documentation Requirements for EITC, CTC, AOTC, and HOH
• Correspondence and Form Improvement
• Multilingual Resources

Continuing education

Attendance at any of the 2021 Nationwide Tax Forum webinars qualifies as continuing education (CE) for enrolled agents, certified public accountants, Annual Filing Season Program participants, California Tax Education Council (CTEC) participants and Certified Financial Planners (CFP).

Note: With two seminars this year presented in both English and Spanish, participants can earn up to 28 continuing education credits.

Visit the CE and CFP Certification page for more information.

Registration information
For more information and to register online, visit www.irstaxforum.com.

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