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 Phase 3 - SeaTac Small Business Emergency Relief Grant - Grant Amount Increase up to $5,000

The City of SeaTac is committed to its small business community and is working hard towards a successful recovery from the impacts of COVID-19. The SeaTac City Council authorized the use of $350,000 of its allocated federal CARES Act funds to administer a Business Emergency Relief Grant program to help businesses recover. www.seatacwa.gov/C19-business-grants.

Phase III Updated - Increased amount per eligible business – from $2,500 to $5,000

Grant Application Portal Now Open APPLY HERE!

Program Details

Application window is Wednesday, September 30 at 12 PM (noon) through Friday, October 9 at 4 PM, or whenever funds run out. Grants will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve-basis.

Note: Eligible businesses who already applied in Phase I & II are automatically eligible for the increased funding amount of up to $5,000 total and DO NOT need to apply again.

  • Grant awards are up to $5,000 total per eligible business (formerly $2,500)
  • To remain impartial, the grant program will be administered by Evergreen Business Capital, a third-party Community Development Finance Institution, which will manage the application intake, evaluation, selection and grant dispersal
  • If awarded, grant recipients must submit a W-9
  • Grant funds may be taxable income; please consult with your financial advisor for guidance. A 1099 will be issued to grant recipients as required by the IRS no later than January 2021


To be eligible, businesses must:

  • Have been in business for at least two years as of June 30, 2020
  • Have gross revenues of $1.5 million or less per year Have no more than 15 full-time employees pre-COVID-19, January 1, 2020
  • Experienced loss of revenue due to COVID-19 related business closures or
  • interruptions
  • Domiciled in SeaTac with a physical SeaTac business address & possess a SeaTac Business License as of March 1, 2020
  • Be current on all city business licensing, and not delinquent in payment of taxes or fees owned to the City of SeaTac as of December 31, 2019
  • If closed due government mandates, intend to reopen when allowed under Washington’s Safe Start plan and other government mandates
  • Home occupation businesses operated from the owner’s primary residence may qualify if the residence is physically located in SeaTac city limits and the business must be the primary source of income for the owner, although priority will be given to “brick and mortar” businesses serving the broader public
  • Must be engaged in a type of business eligible to receive funding by the U.S. Small Business Administration
  • Must be a for-profit business negatively impacted by COVID-19


Application Process

  • Confirm your eligibility (see eligible businesses above)
  • Complete the online applicationby Friday, October 9 at 4 PM.
  • Applicants will be notified about grant decisions within October 2020
  • Grants will be distributed by automatic deposit (ACH) or check payment


Do you need help completing your Grant Application? 

  • Small Business Development Center - Provides assistance with application completion as well as no cost, one-on-one confidential advising to help your business succeed.

o    sbdc@highline.edu

o    206-592-4151

You may also reach out to these additional sources of support for assistance with your application:


o    Staff@SeattleSouthsideChamber.com

o    206-575-1633

o    Aleksandr Yeremeyev ayeremeyev@seatacwa.gov

o    Tanja Carter tcarter@seatacwa.gov

      206-973-4843 (Due to staff working remotely, messages are checked twice daily, with calls returned next business day.)

Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions at www.seatacwa.gov/C19-business-grants.

We hope these grant dollars will provide some support for eligible businesses impacted by this crisis. Please utilize this opportunity if your business is eligible, and help spread the word to others in the City of SeaTac. Thank you!

Your City of SeaTac Economic Development Team

Aleksandr Yeremeyev and Tanja Carter

Economic Development Manager

Department of Community & Economic Development


This communication may be subject to public disclosure laws of the State of Washington (RCW 42.56)

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