South King County Vaccination Updates - May 2021
South King County Updates - Mayl 2021
COVID-19 Vaccinations Now Open To Everyone 12+
Dear Neighbor,
Following federal approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for 12-15 year old's, the County will be offering shots for this age group at their sites and working with school districts to schedule vaccination clinics throughout the County. The more people we get vaccinated, the safer we will all be and the sooner we can get back to our normal lives. For more information about getting youth vaccinated, visit the COVID-19 Vaccination for Children and Teens Page.
To locate a vaccine and schedule an appointment, visit Vaccine Locator. Need help? Call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #. Language assistance is available.
King County Rental Assistance Opens May 17th
Throughout the pandemic, King County has been supporting our community by providing millions of dollars in rental assistance. Our latest funding to keep people housed includes $145 million and tenants will be able to register their interest starting May 17 at the King County Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Program.
Link Light rail is coming to Kent/ Des Moines in a few short years!
Have ideas on what kinds of development you would be interested in seeing near transit in South King County? Sound Transit is currently seeking public input on transit-oriented development in Kent/Des Moines.
With this investment, there is a rare opportunity for development of approximately 4 acres adjacent to the future station located next to Highline College and along SR 99. This is our opportunity to build a community-led vision for the future development of the area. Community feedback collected through this survey and an online open house later this fall will be used to inform the content of the Request for Proposals for the available sites.
This area is ripe for redevelopment and the City of Kent has paved the way with its Midway Subarea Plan that was crafted specifically with transit in mind. With high-capacity transit immediately next to this large site, there are opportunities for several types of development – whether that be housing, childcare, social services, food access, or commercial. If you have ideas, I encourage you to participate in the ongoing conversations – through the current online survey and future community conversations – about how we collectively build out this unique space.
The online survey will be available through May 31 at The survey will be available in English, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali and Tagalog.
The Federal Way Link Extension is currently under construction and is slated to open in 2024. This line will continue the main Link spine down to Federal Way and will join projects currently underway in North Seattle, Lynwood, Bellevue, Redmond, and Tacoma Hilltop in the regional Link system. More information on the project and public involvement process is available at
As the Council continues to operate remotely, now is the perfect time to engage with our work and share your thoughts on legislation before us.
My team and I are available via email at
You can watch Council meetings via livestream on the Councils website or on KCTV channel 22. We take general public comment on the 4th Tuesday of every month.
To learn more about testifying before Council go to:
Dave Upthegrove
King County Councilmember
District 5
Councilmember Dave Upthegrove
King County Council - District 5 | (206) 477-1005
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